Monday, September 7, 2015

Minor Set back

Well, I learned the hard way that attempting to do your daily activities, albeit, on a more relaxed and less intensive scale, is still too much for a post-surgery body.  Getting into and out of my Jeep and driving the clutch proved too much for my body to handle.  Going on relatively short walks with me RWB gals also proved too intensive.

Saturday I did not feel great, but ignored it.  Team RWB decided to get up early to watch the sunrise and the Boise Balloon Festival hot air balloons rise from the top of Table Rock.  A friend and I got coffee for them and brought Helga, the most badass Belgian Malinois you've ever met.  It was beautiful to see the view from up there and I am glad I went.  But I was also zonked.  I progressively felt worse as the day wore on.


I was not feeling any better and continued to get worse, breaking into a fever and extreme nausea.  Ugh.  Thanks to friends who know medical stuff more than me, Tylenol helped break the fever.  But nausea remained.  Being the person I am, I refused to call the ER doctor on call since it was so late/early morning and I did not want to disturb him.  I waited it out till the next day.  Ho. Lee. /Fuck.  I do not recall that much pain even immediately post-op.  I did call my doctor, he suggested I go to ER if I could not control pain.  Well, since I know that ER visits are expensive, especially if they do not admit you and I knew my doc was on vacation, I chose to try to wait it out.  Finally, after 30+ hours, i.e. this morning, I got the pain to manageable levels.  Fuck me.  That shit effing hurt.

You know when you're in so much pain and miserable and nothing helps that you just lay there and cry?  Yeah, that was me.  Moral of the story: no more Jeep until I am healed.  It breaks my heart to admit this, but for my own health and recovery progress, I must refrain from getting into/out of lifted vehicles and driving manual transmissions.  I am surprised how much my left hip hurts.  Effing kept me away for hours last night.  I did some online research on this and found that it is a common after effect of a hysterectomy.  I'm hoping it, too, will heal with time (hopefully sooner than later).

I miss eating.  Belvita crackers, bananas, toast and bagels and jello have been my main sustenance for the last 3 days.  Ugh.  Better be safe than sorry.  I even managed to go to the mall and walk a bit before I was too exhausted to continue.

I must say, I am very proud of my Boise GoRuck ladies.  There was/is an extremely offensive post on the GoRuck Tough page.  Which, sadly, burst my GoRuck love and everyone involved is a good person bubble.  The post itself was extremely degrading to women and a few women themselves stooped to the level of not being any better than a piece of ass.  This kind of behavior from women is utterly disheartening to think that their self worth is to intimately tied to their physique and nothing else.  It was even worse to hear what some of the men had to say.  I will not repeat it.  Not worth repeated.  But it was disgusting and degrading and people like that make me sad that that is how they view women.  I hope they learn the error of their ways...sooner than later.  I also hope I never had a GoRuck event with them.  But my Boise ladies all spoke up about how inappropriate the post was.  Granted, the sub-human-dreck turned against all our posts and made us out to be the enemy.  But that is to be expected.  It is just sad that GoRuck, a company and organization I have much respect for, would permit such solicitous, biased, degrading statements on their private FB page for us members.  Disgusting.

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