Tuesday, September 22, 2015

Seattle & Winter Living Prep


This past weekend a friend and I drove over to Seattle to go visit another friend.  I met both through my participation in GORUCK events.  I truly do enjoy the company of the people I have met through those events and through Team RWB.  I spend much of my social time with them.  They assisted me after my surgery by swapping vehicles with me, letting me stay with them, bringing me food, etc.  I cannot pass over my other non-rucking friends who helped just as much.  I am thankful for the friends I have made during my time living here.  To be honest, they are the reason I have stayed here for as long as I have.  My friends are my family.  I have no permanent home or blood family here.  I could just as easily pick up and move somewhere else.  Which, believe me when I say, I have been very much tempted to do so at times.

I sometimes get quite down about my lack of dating or finding someone to possibly have a relationship with.  I know that I am a fantastic person that has a fuck ton to offer.  And after learning the hard way, I have established standards and I will not deviate from them.  I noticed once I put that in place, I have not truly dated ever since.  Yes, there are a few one or two dates here and there, but overall, I feel no connection to those people.  I want to feel inspired by the person.  I want to look forward to seeing them.  I want to be mentally and physically challenged by them.  I want someone who has goals in life and is striving to achieve them.  And very importantly to me, they must be employed or at least have a legal source of income so that I am not the breadwinner.  Believe me, I’ve been the breadwinner.  And it is bullshit.  I want someone who trusts me and I trust them.  Someone who wants to go on adventures, plans them and executes those plans.  Someone who does not need me to function, yet chooses to be with me because it makes them happy to do so.  How hard is it to find someone like this?  Apparently very hard.  Especially the no criminal history and intelligent open-minded part.  I have frequently found myself missing living in Washington, DC simply for the better pool of dating applicants.  Pathetic.

Summer is in the last throes before fall totally takes over.  This means I need to start preparing the trailer for winter.  Ugh.  So much work to do.  I need to build skirting around the bottom and under the gooseneck.  I plan to put foam insulation around the inside of the skirting, if I can find enough cheap stuff.  I found some at a secondhand building store.  But I need much more.  I need to buy the wood for the skirting, too.  And then figure out how to build it.  I may call upon my friends to help with this task.

I need to get large diameter PVC piping to thread my septic hose through.  I need to get a 5-gallon bucket to put over my water spigot and insulate the inside of it.  I need more PVC piping for my water hose, which will be wrapped in heat tape.  I need to insulate all my windows and door.  I found some websites with great ideas.  It looks like using Reflectix padding in the windows and then sealing the windows with the winter plastic.  I need to also use padding/Reflectix in my closets and cupboards to have insulate in there and help prevent moisture build up.  I need to get a dehumidifier and little box heater.  Ugh.  I am seeing dollar signs adding up with all these tasks.

My trailer needs a good washing, but I do not have a pressure washer or extended brush to reach all around the top areas.  The area under my trailers always seems to be damp.  I need to get under there and thoroughly look around for any leaks.  I need to also get up on the roof to see what needs to be done up there for winter.  I know I should cover the skylight over the shower to help insulate it.  I also need to make curtains for all the windows and one over the door.  I need to add Reflectix between the screen door and main door.  I will admit, I feel utterly overwhelmed by all this.  Sometimes it is easier to stick my head in the sand and pretend life is not so complicated at times….that is, until winter hits and I am not ready.  Fuck.

Back to Seattle.  I did not finish that story.  My friend and I met some GORUCK peeps out there.  Helped out.  We’ll have to send out a thank you note to them for how badass we all are, hahaha!  Saturday we all went to Edmunds and sat at the beach hanging out watching the ferries come and go.  I could not get over how green and lush it is there.  I truly loved and miss it.  Idaho is high desert.  We do not have green like that.  We only get it for a short time in spring before the brown hues take over.  Do not get me wrong, Idaho is breath-takingly beautiful in its topography, but I truly pine for lush green forests and oceans/waterways.

This weekend is GORUCK’s 5th anniversary.  They have a 50% sale going on now.  So of course, I signed up for a Challenge-Light in Bend, OR in April 2016.  I am debating whether I want to do the MLK Challenge-Light in January 2016 in Washington, DC.  I have the credits from the Halloween C-L that I had to cancel on.  And since I have been pining for DC so much lately, I figure I may just bite the bullet and pay for the $350 airfare to go.  Maybe?  Yea? Neigh?

Friday, September 11, 2015

9/11: Never Forget

Where were you on 11 September 2001?


Me?  I was in the library of my high school awaiting the start of school.  There was a TV on a stand in the corner tuned to the news of the event.  Someone in the library told me that a plane ran into a building in New York City.  We both scoffed.  Really?  Who runs a plane into a building?  We were thinking small, single prop type plane that ran off course.  Then we watched the news.  We saw a second (very large) plane hit the second WTC tower.  We were not scoffing any more.  We watched in fascinated horror.

The first tower fell while I was in homeroom.  The second tower fell when I was in AP Physics.  We stared in muted silence.  We discussed the physics involved in bringing a building of that size to rubble.  It was to vast to comprehend.  Everyone was wondering if anyone we knew had family affected by the event.  The FAA grounded all flights in the U.S.  The death toll kept rising.  We heard of a third plane hitting the Pentagon causing a gaping hole.  We were afraid the White House was next and what or who was doing this coordinated attack on our soil?  There were reports of a fourth plane that had crashed in a field in PA.  Dumbstruck is the best description of the day. 

Many businesses closed in my hometown.  I remember calling the photographer that did my senior portraits to see if they were open so I could pick them up.  In the ensuing weeks, I felt a swell of pride to be an American.  How dare terrorists attack us and kill so many innocent people.  I also felt a wave of guilt as I admitted to myself that I was impressed by the attacks themselves.  They were very well coordinated.  They caused a massive amount of devastation.  I was angry that we let it happen.  Granted, our way of life as Americans changed that day.  And it has ever since.

My family flew into Reagan Airport less than a month after the attacks to look at graduate schools for my sister.  I recall when we were 30min from DC, we were not allowed to leave our seats and we had 2 fighter plane escorts to the airport.  Yes.  Life has changed as we know it.

On this fourteenth anniversary of the attacks, I find myself more emotional when looking at the photos and videos of the event.  Back when I was a senior in high school when the event happened, I did not have the life experience I do now, I did not know anyone directly affected.  Now I have met people affected, people who lost loved ones.  We have been engaged in war ever since where thousands of soldiers and contractors have lost their lives.  We live in a different world now.  And when I watch those videos, I cry.  When I see those photos, my chest tightens.

I feel it is a dishonor to those that died for me to pass on looking at the photos and watching the videos on this day.  I do not wish to see them.  But thousands died.  The least I could do is look and remember and honor.  The most heart and gut-wrenching part is seeing people jump from the towers.  People who saw no other option that to plummet to their death at the foot of the WTC towers.  Hearing their bodies hit while the firefighters, paramedics and police flock on scene.  I will never forget that.  Never.  Ever.

So.  Let us never forget.  I copied and pasted info/facts from a CNN article released today:

Facts:19 men hijacked four fuel-loaded U.S. commercial airlines bound for west coast destinations. This terrorist attack on the United States was orchestrated by al Qaeda leader Osama bin Laden. A total of 2,977 people were killed in New York City, Washington, DC, and outside of Shanksville, Pennsylvania, in the worst terrorist attack in U.S. history.
The Victims:
At the World Trade Center site in Lower Manhattan, 2,753 people were killed when hijacked American Airlines Flight 11 and United Airlines Flight 175 were intentionally crashed in the north and south towers.
Of those who perished during the initial attacks and the subsequent collapses of the towers, 343 were New York City firefighters, another 23 were New York City police officers and 37 others were officers at the Port Authority.
The victims ranged in age from two to 85 years. Approximately 75-80 percent of the victims were men.
At the Pentagon in Washington, 184 people were killed when hijacked American Airlines Flight 77 crashed into the building.
Near Shanksville, Pennsylvania, 40 passengers and crew members aboard United Airlines Flight 93 died when the plane crashed into a field. It is believed that the hijackers crashed the plane in that location, rather than their unknown target, after the passengers and crew attempted to retake control of the flight deck.
September 11, 2001

8:46am ET - American Airlines Flight 11 (traveling from Boston to Los Angeles) strikes the north tower of the World Trade Center in New York City.
- 9:03am ET - United Airlines Flight 175 (traveling from Boston to Los Angeles) strikes the south tower of the World Trade Center in New York City.
- 9:37am ET - American Airlines Flight 77 (traveling from Dulles, Virginia to Los Angeles) strikes the Pentagon Building in Washington.
- 9:59am ET - South tower of WTC collapses in approximately 10 seconds.
- 10:03am ET - United Airlines Flight 93 (traveling from Newark, New Jersey to San Francisco) crashes in a field near Shanksville, Pennsylvania.
- 10:28am ET - North tower of WTC collapses. The time between the first attack and the collapse of both World Trade Center towers is 102 minutes.
I read some stories on Facebook today.  I wanted to share some of them on here.
"9/11/2001. FDNY Ladder 118 crosses the Brooklyn Bridge into lower Manhattan. This picture captures the last alarm all 6 of the members riding on that rig would ...ever respond to. The men from Ladder 118 responded into the chaos and emerged at the doomed Marriott World Trade Center hotel. Survivors remembered seeing men with the number 118 on their helmets running up the stairs to help the panicked guests. They were never seen alive again.
When the 110-story towers collapsed, the hotel was pulverized. More than 900 guests and scores of Marriott employees escaped. Many were likely aided by the men of Ladder 118.Their rig, a mangled wreck of steel and glass, was recovered within days of the attack. Two months later, firefighters digging in the mountain of rubble spotted tools emblazoned with the Ladder 118 logo.
Some of the men from Ladder 118 were found within a few feet of each other, and the survivors in the firehouse were grateful that the men spent their final moments together. Three of them — Agnello, Vega and Cherry — are together still, buried in adjacent plots in Brooklyn's Green-Wood Cemetery. Their simple yet elegant headstones sit on quiet, grassy slope, shaded by a canopy of oak trees. Every year, the families and firefighters make a sacred pilgrimage to their graves, as well as to those of their other fallen brothers elsewhere in the region.
"They were found side by side, and they should stay side by side," said VinnieCarla Agnello. Her two sons were 3 and 1 at the time"
Here is an interesting link that has people from different countries explaining how they experienced 9/11.  Granted, most people were children when the event happened, but it still shows how for at least one day, humanity banded together.
Today, the site of World Trade Center Towers 1 and 2 has a memorial and museum.  Last year, One World Trade Center had its grand opening on 09/11/14.

This week marks the 16th birthday of the last surviving search and rescue dog that assisted at Ground Zero in NYC after the attacks.  Her name is Bretagne.  Here is a post and video on Barkpost in which she is brought back to NYC to have the best birthday of her life and to give thanks and honor for the services she provided during the 9/11 aftermath.

 Tonight some of my Team RWB friends went to the Boise Fallen Firefighter and 9/11 Memorial after dark and lit some candles in remembrance for the event and those that lost their lives.


Monday, September 7, 2015

Minor Set back

Well, I learned the hard way that attempting to do your daily activities, albeit, on a more relaxed and less intensive scale, is still too much for a post-surgery body.  Getting into and out of my Jeep and driving the clutch proved too much for my body to handle.  Going on relatively short walks with me RWB gals also proved too intensive.

Saturday I did not feel great, but ignored it.  Team RWB decided to get up early to watch the sunrise and the Boise Balloon Festival hot air balloons rise from the top of Table Rock.  A friend and I got coffee for them and brought Helga, the most badass Belgian Malinois you've ever met.  It was beautiful to see the view from up there and I am glad I went.  But I was also zonked.  I progressively felt worse as the day wore on.


I was not feeling any better and continued to get worse, breaking into a fever and extreme nausea.  Ugh.  Thanks to friends who know medical stuff more than me, Tylenol helped break the fever.  But nausea remained.  Being the person I am, I refused to call the ER doctor on call since it was so late/early morning and I did not want to disturb him.  I waited it out till the next day.  Ho. Lee. /Fuck.  I do not recall that much pain even immediately post-op.  I did call my doctor, he suggested I go to ER if I could not control pain.  Well, since I know that ER visits are expensive, especially if they do not admit you and I knew my doc was on vacation, I chose to try to wait it out.  Finally, after 30+ hours, i.e. this morning, I got the pain to manageable levels.  Fuck me.  That shit effing hurt.

You know when you're in so much pain and miserable and nothing helps that you just lay there and cry?  Yeah, that was me.  Moral of the story: no more Jeep until I am healed.  It breaks my heart to admit this, but for my own health and recovery progress, I must refrain from getting into/out of lifted vehicles and driving manual transmissions.  I am surprised how much my left hip hurts.  Effing kept me away for hours last night.  I did some online research on this and found that it is a common after effect of a hysterectomy.  I'm hoping it, too, will heal with time (hopefully sooner than later).

I miss eating.  Belvita crackers, bananas, toast and bagels and jello have been my main sustenance for the last 3 days.  Ugh.  Better be safe than sorry.  I even managed to go to the mall and walk a bit before I was too exhausted to continue.

I must say, I am very proud of my Boise GoRuck ladies.  There was/is an extremely offensive post on the GoRuck Tough page.  Which, sadly, burst my GoRuck love and everyone involved is a good person bubble.  The post itself was extremely degrading to women and a few women themselves stooped to the level of not being any better than a piece of ass.  This kind of behavior from women is utterly disheartening to think that their self worth is to intimately tied to their physique and nothing else.  It was even worse to hear what some of the men had to say.  I will not repeat it.  Not worth repeated.  But it was disgusting and degrading and people like that make me sad that that is how they view women.  I hope they learn the error of their ways...sooner than later.  I also hope I never had a GoRuck event with them.  But my Boise ladies all spoke up about how inappropriate the post was.  Granted, the sub-human-dreck turned against all our posts and made us out to be the enemy.  But that is to be expected.  It is just sad that GoRuck, a company and organization I have much respect for, would permit such solicitous, biased, degrading statements on their private FB page for us members.  Disgusting.

Thursday, September 3, 2015


I really do not have much of anything to update on.  But since I have use of a laptop AND wifi, I am making great use of them. :-)

My happy part: Law & Order: SVU has season 16 on Netflix, wooo!  Finally new episodes!

My doctor gave me the go-ahead to go back to work, modified duty.  He was impressed I was up and moving around as well as I was.  Everything seems to be going well health-wise for healing.  He did warn that endometriosis may come back since I still have one ovary and I will have hormonal monthly cycles.  When asked why (out of curiosity), he advised that the medical field does not understand how endometriosis occurs.  He said that women who do not even have Fallopian tubes have reported endometriosis, which contradicts the theory that that is the mode of how the uterine lining spreads to other organs.  Interesting!  Sounds like something to do more research into to better understand it.  I love medical mysteries!

Did you know that during a hysterectomy, the cervix is also removed?  My doctor showed me photos he too with the laproscopic camera inside me.  They looked awesome!  I got to see my intestines, liver, bladder, uterus, etc.  Fascinating stuff.  The endometrial grows are cut out.  Stiches are used to sew up the openings from the removal of the uterus and cervix.  Then, get this, they use expanding foam that has a coagulant in it over the stitches.  This helps so that you do not bleed out of your vag excessively.  Cool!  It looked like shaving cream inside of me.  More research is needed for this as well.

Hemogrip Foam: company website here.  Information about new findings in the medical profession.
An excerpt:  "Hemogrip’s™ life-saving technology is based on chitosan—a natural biopolymer which is found in the exoskeleton of shrimp, crabs, and other crustaceans. Chitosan is unique as a natural material because it is biocompatible, anti-microbial, and highly durable under a wide range of environmental conditions."

Since I am not able to be as active as I would like, I have been perusing websites about some of my more preferred and enjoyable activities.

10 Breathtaking Kayaking Destinations.

Thin Blue Line website: currently there is a movement for people to show their support for LE by posting a blue line on their vehicles.  (Blue line via painter's tape.)

Bob Ross.  Where do I start?  I loved watching his art painting show growing up.  His speaking mannerisms were so amusing to me.  And now as an adult, I find listening to him to be so relaxing.  I miss nice wholesome easy shows on tv like that.  Now in a world that is so fast-paced and stun-oriented, I miss simplicity of it all.  Here is an article in which Mr. Ross did an episode painting all in gray scale because a fan of his mentioned being color blind and mentioned not knowing how to paint as a result.

And I just have to share this article from the New England Journal of Medicine: "Planned Parenthood at Risk."  I like to share it to help people understand whether their arguments are valid or not.  Because if you are going to argue and post things on the internet, it is better to make sure the things you are saying are fact-based and valid, than opinion-based and thus making you look the fool. 

Tuesday, September 1, 2015

A moment (eternity) of silence

This list is one of the most angering lists I have read to date.  The number of recent add-ons is appalling.  Another website details the same thing.  I find both utterly depressing and sobering to read through.  At this point, I almost do not want to look at my Facebook feed for any more new negative news.  *sigh*

Preliminary 2015 Law Enforcement Officer Fatalities

January 1 through September 1, 2015 vs. January 1 through September 1, 2014

20152014% Change
Total Fatalities8573+16%
Other Causes2115+40%

Disgusting.  These stats come from the National Law Enforcement Officers Memorial Fund.  For more information on statistic gathering, the Bureau of Justice Statistics has a website here.

Currently, there is a man hunt in the Chicago area for suspects in the murder of Lt. Charles Joseph Gliniewicz.  On my West Coast Spartan page, someone posted the following photo with caption taken from the Fallen's FB page:

**Technical IT issues going on here.
Quote: "1st of hopefully 3 for 2015 !!! Wanted to get an ULTR BEAST in but no $$$ for it this year.."

Great video that sums up how many of us feel: https://youtu.be/eV9VGZXmS70

In other news, my recovery goes on.  Today I am much more sore than I have been.  I entered Stage 2 of recovery on Sunday.  Took Mom to airport to fly home and am now staying at Ms. Prince and her beau's residence.  Got my baby back (briefly) yesterday.  I got to drive it for a short time.  Boy, I miss it.  Had to give it to another friend since I'm not too ready to drive it yet.  Now I've got a Volvo station wagon.  RAWR!

I think I was too active yesterday and am suffering the consequences for it today.  Ouch.  Not even my ibuprofen is working on it.  Great.  Ah well.  That's life.

Good news!  There will be a GoRuck 9/11 Heavy Challenge in Seattle in 2016!  Wooo!  A friend and I have been talking about wanting to try one.  This is our chance!