Sunday, July 12, 2015

Random Thoughts

Not much to update.  Just felt like updating while I watch Fifty Shades of Grey for the umpteenth time.  I know it is a truly hokey film and storyline.  So what.  I still find it highly entertaining.  I love the soundtrack.  And as a single person, I enjoy the erotic scenes.  Yup.  Eye candy.  Mmmmm.  I also thoroughly enjoy watching Magic Mike.  Yessiree, I have little to no taste in films.  And I do not give a damn. :-D

At the doctor, I had the gumption to actually see my weight.  It gave me a smile from ear to ear.  Yes, it is just a number.  But now it is a number showing off my accomplishments and hard work.  In fact, as I type this, my forearms are quite sore from my modified brick workout that I did here at the retirement park.  I got a few funny looks from some of the residents as I was biking around wearing my ruck.  The best look was from a woman with her grandson.  I was in the pool, wearing my full gear holding my ruck over my head walking laps.  Her look of utter disdain makes me smile.  She made a point to ignore my existence for the rest of her visit there.  I enjoyed it.  Especially when running laps around in the park, followed by more bike laps and more pool PT.  Bwhahaha!

I usually try to abstain from writing anything political or hot-topic-worthy in my blog.  But I just have to say how happy I am that SCOTUS (Supreme Court of the U.S.) ruled in favour of gay marriage this past month.  If that statement makes any reader think less of me or not wish to follow me anymore, so be it.  I make it a point in life to surround myself with positive thinking people who wish for the world to be a better place and think with an open mind.  I would like to think I have accomplished that quite well, with the occasional outlier occurrence. Meh.  That’s life.  It happens.

With that being said.  I feel people should have the same opportunity to make their lives happy or miserable and that includes being married.  I could care less if people want to marry themselves, inanimate objects, never marry or marry someone of the same or opposite gender, or even gender-less.  This is close to my heart as a female who people oftentimes mistake or assume is gay.  I assume this is based on my appearance and general hobbies/interests.  Nor does it or should it matter if I am or not.  I dislike feminine-identified things such as dresses, make-up and the color pink.  I prefer pants, grease and the color blue.  I dislike cooking, submissiveness and using a filter in everyday speak.  I love off-roading, fixing things, being dominant and swearing ALL THE TIME.  Are those listed attributes masculine or feminine?  And why does it matter?  They are attributes.  They have their time and place in people’s lives and society.  And it should not matter in least if a man likes to sew or a boy plays with dolls or if a woman is a professional boxer and a girl likes to build with Legos.  People are who they are.  And if what they do makes them happy and harms no one else, then let them be.

I would also like to point out that even though I am a very masculine female, it does not mean I wish I was a man.  Nope.  I am a woman.  I identify as a woman.  And I am glad to be a woman.  Granted, I will be even happier after my anti-baby surgery.  Woo!  I just wish people/society did not hold such rigid norms so dear and seem to fight tooth and nail when they threaten to change.  Silly closed-minded people.  The world changes.  It progresses over time.  That is the natural way of things./endrant

In other news, I will be in a dear friend's wedding in Aug. She ok'd me to wear pants. Yay!  I am thinking something like this (but more me style):

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