It was brought to my attention that my description of my current and future living conditions are somewhat confusing to those not in the "know." Therefore, I shall try to clarify this as best I can while not invading people's privacy.
Hannibal met Bonnie. Hannibal and Bonnie became instant friends. Their shared interests and distaste of most of man-kind sealed their friendship. Hannibal and Bonnie were tired of where they were living and the exorbitant cost of renting a home. Finding a rental that would accept Panda was also a problem. Therefore, purchasing a home seemed to be the best course of action. House found. House purchased.
Fast forward. Bonnie meets Clyde (which happened due to the awesomeness of Hannibal, tehehe). Bonnie and Clyde are a match made in Heaven. Hannibal approves of Clyde, which, let's face it, is what really counts. *smirk* Not to mention, Clyde understands the process of appeasing the roommate God(dess) and does a fantastic job of it. Bonnie and Clyde want to spend their life together. Unfortunately, Hannibal and its attachment to the house is in the way of this. Solution? Refinance and quit deed! Problem? Waiting for the loan to mature to be able to do this. Solution? Hannibal moves out (with contract between everyone) into travel trailer to begin dream of having Tiny Home and Clyde et al. move in. Everyone happy. Families created, curmudgeons appeased. *fingers crossed*
Clear as mud?
Mr Skellington posted this to me today and I thought it quite appropriate. Brought a smile to my face since it really is so very true. The ecard posted above was posted by another friend. I love that my friends understand my curmudgeonry so well and still love me for it, hahaha!
I have a quick rant I wanted to share with all of you oh-so-lovely people:
Please, for the love of whatever you hold dear, please, change lanes to get away and give people and emergency vehicles space on the shoulders to work and do what they need to do safely.
This is one of my all-time biggest pet peeves. When people are so GD ignorant to not give people space on the shoulder. I challenge every single one of you out there to stand on the side of the interstate trying to do your job and help others with vehicles less than ten feet away from you blowing by at 60mph+. It is rattling to say the least. Stressful. So, give them a brake and move away. A few seconds of being slower is better than vehicular manslaughter and the label of being the ultimate DB for the rest of your life. Fucker.
Live long and prosper.
--Miss you Mr. Spock
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