Wednesday, March 4, 2015

Getting old is Over-rated

Seriously.  This getting older stuff is for the birds.  Yeah, I'm wiser and have more life experience to draw from, which is cool and all.  But the way your body recovers so much more slowly than when you were in your 20s begins to be noticeable.  Granted, I am not "old" by any means.  But by golly!  My body sure does not bounce back like it used to.  Old injuries flare up.  Limps occur.  Muscles are sore and stay that way.  Food affects your GI tract so much worse than it used to.  Sometimes pooping is not a pleasant event.  Yup.  Shit blows.  Literally and figuratively.

I taught a class last night at work.  I really enjoyed it.  And it looked like the students did, too.  Teaching a subject I feel passionately about and know so much about makes me feel good.  I enjoy passing on my knowledge to others.  Whether the information is useful or not, they now have the ability to draw from what they learned and apply it in their lives (as needed).  Yay!

I read this cool article today.  It made me happy to read it.  So, here it is:

This 21-year-old pro baseball player is a millionaire who lives out of a VW camper van

I am proud of that man to be living the dream life he desires.  I am envious that he is able to lead that life.  Then I remind myself that I am slowly working to achieve the life that I want to live.  And it will happen.  You can count on that.  First things first, get my travel trailer and learn to live on a smaller scale, both personally and a smaller carbon footprint.  I'm all about "green" living, Baby.

I'm also all about treating people fairly as human beings.  Unless you rape, pillage and murder and stuff.  Then you get your rights as a person taken away as far as I'm concerned.  But that is for a whole different blog post or few, hahaha.  And, since I love rainbows (and glitter and unicorns!), I just had to share this bit of common sense with everything.  Just as a reminder for those that lost their common sense somewhere along the way:

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