Today went something like this:
Get up butt fuck early (but not butt fucking). Drag my ass to roller derby practice. Have a fan-fucking-tastic time at practice. Sooooo much fun! Worked my ass off to the point I got nauseous. It was great. I'm still probably the worst skater out there and it takes me FOREVER to learn how to do things. But I have a great time sucking at it. :-)
Get our group photo in, then haul ass to Hulls Gulch trail head to meet my RWB Boise GoRuck team to go ruck hiking. Meet new people. Enjoy the fantastic weather. Bare some skin to the sun and get sweaty. Holy shit! This is the route we took:
RWB Hulls Gulch Hike at EveryTrail
Drive through big water puddles that are always in that parking lot and meet some fellow ruckers for lunch in Hyde Park.
Go get oil changed because I'm too lazy to do it. Get K/N air filter that costs way too much. Go home. Clean up. Put kayak atop Jeep. Put doggles and harness on Panda, go for a drive to show off how awesome we are in our awesome Jeep with our awesome Wilderness Systems Tsunami lime green kayak. Hilarity ensues.
My date for Valentine Day:
Debating whether I want to sign up for a GoRuck Light event in May here locally.
And now. My body is sore. Super sore. I plan to get up early-ish tomorrow to go kayaking (sans Panda). I hope my arms are up for it. Sheesh. Putting my rucksack in front for the brief time I did killed my arms. Whew-wee!
It makes me so incredibly happy to find the rucking group I did. Exercising with other people makes working out that much more enjoyable, especially when doing it outside enjoying nature as well.
Funny story of the day:
A person. We will call her...Bonnie. Bonnie and her love went out of town leaving Panda and I to hang out at home and be lazy from the day's activities. Panda starts freaking out by crying, barking, howling and acting anxious. We howl together for a bit. I then go down the hallway. I hear a strange noise from Bonnie's room. I open the door. The noise is louder. Panda acts very upset. I discover the source of the noise. I laugh uproariously. I call Bonnie. I leave her a voicemail of Panda's freak out, the noise from the source and then Panda trying to eat the said source of the noise. My evening's entertainment has most definitely been fantastic.
Now, back to Law and Order: SVU. :-D
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