Thursday, January 5, 2017


Vigil [vig-uh l] n.:(2) a watch or period of watchful attention maintained at night or at other times.

This week I learned what this term truly meant.  I thought of this term and its meaning.  And dawning of understanding occurred.  I now feel it is a word that is mis-used or over used and not fully understood.  It is a word like "love", "hate", "despise" and "enormity".

Of my family, I believe that I am the one that expresses emotions the most.  Which, for those of you that know me, would probably find this scoff-able since we all know how much I emote.  One way for me to think through things is to write them down.  I go through things I want to post in my blog in my head.  Re-wording and re-phrasing.  Editing.  Re-arranging.  Removing.  I do it during hard times in my life.  Or times I find myself challenged in some way.  I truly believe that thinking through those events and dissecting them helps me better understand them and, for lack of a better phrase, "come to terms" with those events.

Another way that I deal with stress and challenging events is to set goals.  Try to face those challenges head on.  Overcome them.  Understand.  And if the event was a harmful one and poses a risk to harm others, then I take on that challenge to help make sure others are not harmed in the future.  I protect.  This is what I do.  Not because I want to.  But because it is the right thing to do.  It is the honest thing.  Oftentimes, it is the harder thing to do.  To speak the truth and deal with the consequences, whatever they may be.  The truth can be a naked harsh thing.  Blinding for some.  Offensive and hurtful to others.  But something that must be faced head on.  Something to embrace and not fear.

This week I faced a great fear of mine.  Possibly one of the greatest.  This week I met Death.  I smelled her fragrance.  Our fingertips brushed one another.  I saw her work her work.  And carry another human life away.  I saw the life fade from eyes.  I heard the final gasps.  I saw the slackening of a face and muscles no longer respond.  And a part of my heart die away a little inside.  Death took a part of me with her when she went away.  As she always does.  When the dying leave, they take pieces of the living with them.

I closed those unseeing eyes.  I wanted to give them the peace they so long yearned for and finally received.  I watched that unmoving hand resting upon the furred body of the toy husky.  Waiting for something to move.  Anything.  Knowing nothing would.  And never would again.  And so I sat.  And I began my vigil.

The sun was shining that day.  Unlike the previous one.  It was a stark frigid winter day.  Dangerously beautiful and clear outside.  I was not cold inside that room.  Nor hot.  I was, at the time, merely nothing.  Just was.  Am.  Being.  I was feeling and not feeling.  Processing and shutting down.  I wanted to lay watch upon the un-moving form before me.  I wanted to honor it.  Honor the person that it used to be with my silence and watchfulness.  It was just me in the room at that time.  Others tasking themselves with busyness to keep the emotions at bay.  But no, not me.  I stayed.  I paid my vigil upon that form.

Looking around the room.  Seeing the book on the table near the bed that my mom had been reading while she conducted her daily vigil.  The plate of cookies and pot of coffee the staff had brought in for us while we waited for this time to come.  The Star Wars Rogue One coloring book and markers next to me on the couch that I busied myself with earlier.  The dry erase board in every hospital room listing RNs, RTs, patient names and so on.  The sunlight glinting off the metal fixtures and equipment in the room.  I stopped paying attention to the time hours earlier.  I did not even mark it when Death embraced her newest member.

I recall that day.  I recall it well.  01/03/2017.  It was the conclusion to months (if not years) of anticipation and preparation.  Preparation.  A word that is truly mis-used when Death comes to visit.  No action I can think of can truly prepare you for Death and her actions.  Those little pieces of you that you tried so hard to seal together are still torn away.  Those voids are still left behind when Death embraces and leaves with her members.  But it is important not to wallow in those voids.  Not to stare down into their depths.  Those voids are there.  They are inevitable.  But the hard part is filling those voids so they are less deep.  Less dark and more easily traversable once again.

My voids are stark.  They are there.  I know they are there.  I simply refuse to look at them or acknowledge them fully.  I am not yet ready to peer into their depths and see how deep they go in order to start filling them.  Every now and then I find myself tripping over one or almost falling into one.  And I catch myself.  A tear or few may escape.  A nostril or two snotted up.  But rarely a gasp or shudder.  Someday I will get there.  But not today and not soon.

Instead, I set myself upon those challenges and goals.  I have a mission.  I have been inspired, by unfortunate circumstances, to make the world a better place.  To protect others, especially those that are incapable of protecting themselves.  I want to right the wrongs that were done to my loved ones.  I cannot undo the past.  I cannot take away pain that has already been felt.  But I can certainly try to lessen it for the living and even possibly prevent it for the future.  I have a mission.  I will prevail.  Death has already come and done her duty.  She was merciful at the very end.  Even though I may disagree with parts, I know, in the end, she is the finder of peace for my loved one.

I know, somewhere out there, is a happy man.  A man surrounded by happy huskies with wagging tails and yodeling their displeasure at not being fed their presumed pieces of pizza crust from the man.  A world full of Sports Center and sporting games.  A world of German chocolate cake and double chocolate cookies.  A world of sci-fi heroes and villains.  A world full of books and learning and traveling.  It is a happy world.  And I am happy it is somewhere out there with that man and his beloved huskies.

That night.  After all was said and done.  And nothing more could be said or done.  I drank.  Not to obliteration.  That would not have paid the right homage to my loved one.  I drank to ease the swell and tide of emotions churning within me.  I drank to ease the images that fail to leave me.  I drank mostly for me.  I drank to cover those voids so that I could swim over them and not fall.  In a room full of people and family, it was also a room full of loneliness and blankness.  I was me.  I lived.  I do not regret my choices or those my family together made.  They were the right and compassionate and humane choices.  But, like truth, the right choices are sometimes the hardest ones to make.  I can live with my choices and words.  I am proud of them.  But I will still have missing pieces and voids.  But I will also prevail.  I will fall.  And pick myself up.  And never forget.  But simply remember.  And smile thinking of that world of huskies and pizza and a smiling man within it.

I love you, Dad.

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