Tuesday, February 2, 2016

Oh Boy Dating Woes

Dear Goodness!  There are certainly so many interesting and strange people out there.  My dating tales as of recently I feel must be shared.  Simply because some of them are somewhat amusing.

  • Weds: 3h coffee date.  Drove 20mi into town.  Ends up he drove 10mi into town.  He is also unemployed.  Just never divulged that bit.  Never texted again.  Oh well.  No loss.  Socially odd.
  • Fri-Sat:
    • Foot fetishist: he offered, I accepted.  He balked on meeting.  He balked on meeting again.  I refused to send pics.  You get that shit in real life, not some spank bank texted photo materials.  I scared him away by accepting his offer.  Pansy weenie 23yr old.  I could'a taught him a lot, bwahahaha!
    • FWB request: wanted me to text him photos of me in undies.  Yeah...nope.  People, seriously, do not send other people that shit.  It is forever.  It is now in someone else's hands.  Why would you do that?  Once again, no spank bank material.  You can get that shit in real life if I so desire.
  • Texting depressive buddy who lives 50mi away.  How can you live your life waking up, going to work, going to bed.  Waking up, going to work and going to bed.  BORING!
  • Polyamorous criminal.  Yup.  Even met that one.  Former body builder/Highland Games competitor.  Unfortunately, that one is a ginger (not attracted to those for the most part).  And, well, criminal.  Yup.  No violent crimes allowed.  Basic rule infractions are allowed (for the most part), but not serious shit that fucks up your life, credit, etc.  Too bad.  He is very interesting to talk to.  Very engaging.
  • Multiple on-line chatting people.  Most of which have no idea what punctuation or proper nouns are.  They text/send messages every few days.  Blah.  Boring.  If you want something with me, you have to be more consistent in your communication.  A few hold some promise.  We shall see.
  • Soldier athlete: this one has promise so far.  Not jinxing myself by talking too much about him.  He did keep up at the climbing gym (first time ever climbing) and managed to handle some of my more "intense" friends.   

This past weekend, went snowshoeing across Lake Cascade with friends.  Holy balls.  That giant lake was frozen solid.  We walked across it and back.  Fan-ta-stic!!  I had so much fun.  Then we went to the McCall Winter Festival Parade.  Wow, long parade.  Sooooooo many people were there.  I was happy for McCall's economy to get such a boost with all the tourists.  After that, we went to Gold Fork Hot Springs.  Pretty cool set up.  Hung out a bit.  Too many people there to be too relaxed.  Glad we left when we did.  The line of cars coming in was monstrously long.

Went snowshoeing up at Bogus on Sunday while the same friends went XC skiing.  Yippee!  We went early in the morning.  I had the trails to myself.  I bought walking poles while up in McCall.  They helped immensely on some gnarly hills I was going up/down on.  Fuck.  That's such a great workout.

Monday was dedicated to climbing (as mentioned above).

Today, I snowshoed up along off Shaw Mountain Rd off a closed off Forest Service Rd (almost to where Rocky Canyon Rd meets up).  I was by myself.  It was wonderful.  I had the place to myself.  Not a single person seen the entire time.  I spoke to my work wife, Diane Price while atop a mountain.  We spoke of work things.  I got to enjoy a breath-taking vista while bluetoothing it up.  Good times.  Later on, when off the mountain, I went mountain biking with a friend.  Ugh.  That shit is hella hard!  I had to walk my bike a bit.  Yet another hobby for me to challenge myself with.  Great.  I better get saving on funds to afford a quality rack for my Jeep.  Trying to squeeze my bike in there, along with my climbing gear, survival off road gear, snowshoeing gear and various other misc items was no easy task.

I learned this week that there have been monumental break throughs in the advancement of diabetes care treatment.  Did you know that there is now a continuous glucose monitoring (CGM) system out there.  And that it can sync to your (i)phone?  *mind blown*  I was so excited to hear about them.  I also learned about various insulin pumps as well.  But, hell, the CGM is life changing for a super active person such as myself.  I am soooooo excited to learn about this product and see how it may help me with my training.  I wrote the sale representative an email in an attempt to convey how non-normal I am in general, much less as a T1D.  I'll be talking to him tomorrow.  Should be interesting to hear what their answers are to my questions.  *giggity*

I signed up for Pathfinder training again.  I really want to be able to do a GORUCK Heavy and think that this training is some of the best available to help me with my goals.  I also signed up for a charity challenge event: Squat Challenge.  I have From 1 Feb to 1 April to do as many squats as possible.  The entry fees went to support Team RWB and the Green Beret Foundation.  Two non-profits that I support and like to see my money go toward.  My goal is to be able to do 10,000 squats.  Which means, I need to do 111 squats per day.  Yup.  Better get mine in for today.  Eeek!  I also signed up for GORUCK Ingress for 02.27.16 in Seattle.  YES!  It sounds like military adult capture the flag.  Huzzah!  Should be hella fun!  I am also planning to compete in Half Ironman events as part of a team this spring/summer.  I shall be the swimmer.  I am so excited to finally be doing tri's again!  Better get my ass in a pool and start training now!

Anyway, I wrote this blog in an attempt to capture how happy I am.  How awesome my life is and how great this past weekend was.  I wanted to capture the moments I had with this blog so that if I ever hit a down spot in my life, I can come back to this post and see that there is no end all be all.  Just continue on with life.  It's the only one we got.  No sense wasting it away.  Live it up! :-) 

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