Tuesday, September 22, 2015

Seattle & Winter Living Prep


This past weekend a friend and I drove over to Seattle to go visit another friend.  I met both through my participation in GORUCK events.  I truly do enjoy the company of the people I have met through those events and through Team RWB.  I spend much of my social time with them.  They assisted me after my surgery by swapping vehicles with me, letting me stay with them, bringing me food, etc.  I cannot pass over my other non-rucking friends who helped just as much.  I am thankful for the friends I have made during my time living here.  To be honest, they are the reason I have stayed here for as long as I have.  My friends are my family.  I have no permanent home or blood family here.  I could just as easily pick up and move somewhere else.  Which, believe me when I say, I have been very much tempted to do so at times.

I sometimes get quite down about my lack of dating or finding someone to possibly have a relationship with.  I know that I am a fantastic person that has a fuck ton to offer.  And after learning the hard way, I have established standards and I will not deviate from them.  I noticed once I put that in place, I have not truly dated ever since.  Yes, there are a few one or two dates here and there, but overall, I feel no connection to those people.  I want to feel inspired by the person.  I want to look forward to seeing them.  I want to be mentally and physically challenged by them.  I want someone who has goals in life and is striving to achieve them.  And very importantly to me, they must be employed or at least have a legal source of income so that I am not the breadwinner.  Believe me, I’ve been the breadwinner.  And it is bullshit.  I want someone who trusts me and I trust them.  Someone who wants to go on adventures, plans them and executes those plans.  Someone who does not need me to function, yet chooses to be with me because it makes them happy to do so.  How hard is it to find someone like this?  Apparently very hard.  Especially the no criminal history and intelligent open-minded part.  I have frequently found myself missing living in Washington, DC simply for the better pool of dating applicants.  Pathetic.

Summer is in the last throes before fall totally takes over.  This means I need to start preparing the trailer for winter.  Ugh.  So much work to do.  I need to build skirting around the bottom and under the gooseneck.  I plan to put foam insulation around the inside of the skirting, if I can find enough cheap stuff.  I found some at a secondhand building store.  But I need much more.  I need to buy the wood for the skirting, too.  And then figure out how to build it.  I may call upon my friends to help with this task.

I need to get large diameter PVC piping to thread my septic hose through.  I need to get a 5-gallon bucket to put over my water spigot and insulate the inside of it.  I need more PVC piping for my water hose, which will be wrapped in heat tape.  I need to insulate all my windows and door.  I found some websites with great ideas.  It looks like using Reflectix padding in the windows and then sealing the windows with the winter plastic.  I need to also use padding/Reflectix in my closets and cupboards to have insulate in there and help prevent moisture build up.  I need to get a dehumidifier and little box heater.  Ugh.  I am seeing dollar signs adding up with all these tasks.

My trailer needs a good washing, but I do not have a pressure washer or extended brush to reach all around the top areas.  The area under my trailers always seems to be damp.  I need to get under there and thoroughly look around for any leaks.  I need to also get up on the roof to see what needs to be done up there for winter.  I know I should cover the skylight over the shower to help insulate it.  I also need to make curtains for all the windows and one over the door.  I need to add Reflectix between the screen door and main door.  I will admit, I feel utterly overwhelmed by all this.  Sometimes it is easier to stick my head in the sand and pretend life is not so complicated at times….that is, until winter hits and I am not ready.  Fuck.

Back to Seattle.  I did not finish that story.  My friend and I met some GORUCK peeps out there.  Helped out.  We’ll have to send out a thank you note to them for how badass we all are, hahaha!  Saturday we all went to Edmunds and sat at the beach hanging out watching the ferries come and go.  I could not get over how green and lush it is there.  I truly loved and miss it.  Idaho is high desert.  We do not have green like that.  We only get it for a short time in spring before the brown hues take over.  Do not get me wrong, Idaho is breath-takingly beautiful in its topography, but I truly pine for lush green forests and oceans/waterways.

This weekend is GORUCK’s 5th anniversary.  They have a 50% sale going on now.  So of course, I signed up for a Challenge-Light in Bend, OR in April 2016.  I am debating whether I want to do the MLK Challenge-Light in January 2016 in Washington, DC.  I have the credits from the Halloween C-L that I had to cancel on.  And since I have been pining for DC so much lately, I figure I may just bite the bullet and pay for the $350 airfare to go.  Maybe?  Yea? Neigh?

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