Thursday, April 23, 2015

Single Down-sized Living

There is something to be said from not having (reliable) internet or cable.  I feel both highly disconnected and totally at peace with not being attached to things that are truly not required for a happy existence.  Granted, not having the internet is very frustrating at times, too.  It would come in handy for things such as regular blog posts (and making the posts pretty with links and photos, but my internet is not good enough for me to regularly add those things), applying for things, paying for things, updating things, organizing your email and/or replying in a timely manner, etc.

Yes yes, people say, “But just use your cell phone.”  Well.  I’m not a fan of my cell phone.  Much less using it for everything except wiping my ass.  I feel society as a whole is way too attached to their electronics.  Get out.  Go enjoy the world around you, minus the ear buds.  Go listen, smell, feel and hear the world as it really is.  Besides, there is only so much time I can spend trying to do fairly complicated (for me) things on a screen no bigger than 3”x5” or so.  And using my fingers rather than a mouse driver me nuts.  I want a fucking normal sized goddamned keyboard.  Yeah yeah, I’m sure there’s a solution to that complaint, too.  Guess what?  I do not want to spend more money on something so that I can simply be more lazy.  Society, sheesh.  Get off your ass.  Work.  Earn shit. /endrant

Things I have noticed that I do differently now that I live by myself:
  • ·         My refrigerator is too small to stockpile things.  Therefore, I eat until it is empty, then refill it.  I am now forced to food shop ~once a week.  Granted, the main things in my refrigerator are still beer and condiments.
·         I have yet to actually use the stovetop or oven.  Although I did finally buy a pot last week.  I just cannot seem to figure out how to make them work…
·         I am hardly ever home.  Ever.  I spend most of my time on my days off at friend’s places or out exploring.  Anywhere, but at home. 
·         My home is a place for me to sleep.  And that’s basically it.
·         I drink more beer.  For some reason I drink much more.  And by much more, I mean I have a can or bottle after I get home from work.  Granted, it still takes me hours to finish that one brew, but I still consume it more often.
·         I live like a bachelorette.  And I am perfectly okay with that.
·         I REALLY REALLY REALLY miss wet wipes.  My backside misses them so hard core.
·         I read more.  Especially since I rarely turn on my computer.  I have fewer distractions.  I have gotten back in to reading for fun.  I missed that.  And am glad I re-found it.
·         I realized I can function quite well on less than half of the stuff I own.  Most of it is in storage anyway.  This makes me happy.  The things I use the most?  My 15 yr old Nalgene bottle, my backpack/rucksack and my watch.  Yep.  Life is good with those things that you rarely even think about, yet use profusely.
·         I use the radio ALL THE TIME.  The first thing I do when I wake up is turn it on.  The first thing I do when I get home is turn it on.  It’s quite nice.  Music.
·         I am less stressed.  I can be as neat and organized or as sloppy as I want.  And I do not care.  It does not stress me out since I know I am the one that did it and can deal with it however I want.  I do not go on cleaning tizzies.  Shit is where I want it.  And if I cannot find something, I simply laugh at myself: how can you lose something in so small a space anyway?!
·         I find other places to shower.  I have not showered here in over a month.  Why, you ask?  B/c I forget that I have to turn on the hot water heater at least an hour before I want to shower.  Well.  I do not think that far ahead.  And running out of hot, or even lukewarm water really sucks when it turns frigid.  I now use my shower as my roller derby equipment storage location.
  • I dance more.  I break out in dance whenever I want.  Which is quite often.  Usually because the radio is on.:-)
I recently finished reading "Lone Survivor".  WOW!  I've seen and own the film.  I adore the film.  But the book is a whole new level of WOW.  Mr. Marcus Luttrell.  You are a powerful human being.  Your coworker peers are equally as impressive.  Stay the right path.

Ms. Price and I watched "Nightcrawler" the other day.  Holy shitballs.  I have rarely watched a film that made me so angry and upset at humanity as that one.  I was seething by the time the film was over.  Flabbergasted.  Yes, that is what I felt.  Along with sadness- that the film is not fiction.  There are people out there that embody those actions and mindsets.  It makes me sick.

I admit I am a wee bit short on sleep.  I stayed up too late the other night.  After work, I decided to put together a lego set Ross got me.  It was of a Jeep pulling a trailer with an ATV on it.  Fuck yes!  It is good to have friends that know me so well, hahaha!  So I drank a beer.  Made microwave popcorn smothered in butter.  Watched Orange is the New Black.  And built my Lego badass mobile. 

Life is good.


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